Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

Kutana and Kendal

She opens her eyes soooooo wide!

Suga Booga is sleeping 5-6 hours straight now at night. She goes to sleep, on her own around 8:30 every night without any crying. When I lay her in her crib, she just puts her head down, sucks on her paci and goes to sleep. She only wakes up once to eat and I usually have to wake her up in the morning.
Earlier this week while she was in her high chair she grabbed hold of her paci (it was in her lap) and put it in her mouth. I was sooooo overjoyed! She is able to hold it AND put it in her mouth. Before you know it she will be able to hold her own bottle, crawl then off to college she goes! lol

She also now hates to lie back in her infant carrier so off the BRU to find her a big girl car seat!

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